Butterfly Paper

Because I can't go covering the Beige Space in photos, I've added this for whatever photos I do end up taking.

Mein Foto
Standort: Amherst, Massachusetts, United States

I play guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly and the Spiders From Mars. I play it left hand.


My amazing beautiful sign with so many feathers. (It says Elton John + Will = <3)

Our lovely bathroom, as seen through the mirror.

"Welcome to the Queer Hall," on the other side of the bathroom door.

"You are entering the Changing Room" on the bathroom door, starring Divine.

On the other side of the bathroom door, coming from E2 (the bathrooms are used to connect halls in Dakin), "The Queer Potty! No homophobes allowed!"

On a stall, "Enter and become... Cher Live In Concert."

The Closet. Need I say more?

Caroline's sign. She is the Liberace!

Isabel's sign is very cheerful. Versace is a cheerful man.

Katelyn in Jack's room.

Jack's room, complete with a Jack.

Jack's window. It says "tranarchy."

Jon's sign. He is Lou Reed, and very classy.

Jack's sign. He is "Oscar Wilde and Bosie in about 1893."

This is just on our bulletin board.

Alex's sign, with the best picture of David Bowie ever.


The Lounge Dwellers have already removed this sign, as we were sure they would. It saddened us.

The big huge sign on our main door. "Behold, the Queer Hall!"

Rance's sign, so appropriate.

Jack, beginning his drag process, obviously with great glee.

I love this picture.

He's like a little kid with new toys.

Lip-synching to Bohemian Rhapsody is an important part of doing drag.

Now come a whole bunch of putting-on-makeup shots.

I had to paint Jack's toenails because that is apparently one skill he lacks. Note his crazy monkey toes.

More makeup shots.

More monkey toes.

Makeup shot.

Jack tends to make really odd faces when I photograph him.

I'm sure he wasn't as confused as he looks in this picture.

La-dee-da makeup makeup.

By the way, we chopped Jack's hair off Friday night. Did you notice?

This is a decent shot of Jack doing makeup, somehow.

Sara came in halfway through the drag-making process.

Then Rance came.

Rance, mid-Madonna-lip-synch-dance.

Mostly Rance danced around and looked pretty while Jack did all the work.

Rance playing with Jack's wig (which lives on the head of Freddy Mercury).

I even got a halfway decent picture of Rance doing Jack's eyes.

Rance did bother to do some work and did Jack's eyes for him.